Natasha Adhiambo Okoth currently works as a graphic designer based in Munich. Her work focuses on editorial design, visual identities, digital media and the production of print publications.

Communication Design B.A. at University of Applied Sciences, Mainz (2016 – 2020)
Graphic Design at College Art And Design, Amiens (2018)

Work Experience
Pioneers, Mainz (2017)
Nonot Studio, Frankfurt (2019 – 2020)
Dan Solbach Studio, Berlin (2020)
Wiegand von Hartmann, Munich (2021 – 2023)

For further questions or information as well as the interest in working together, please get in contact via mail.

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A  Abwesenheitsnotiz (Out of Office Notice)
The collaborative publication combines photographs by Mascha Dilger with literary works by Celine Radloff. The collection was self published in a first edition of 100 copies. The photographer captures moments in various places. People are mostly absent in her photography, physically or mentally. At the same time, the role of the photographer is reflected: She also oscillates between presence and absence. She leaves her everyday spaces, she is in search, she collects, she lingers, she presses the shutter release, she moves on. Celine Radloff’s literary work take up associative thoughts, leaving room for new stories and revealing undiscovered aspects.

— With Mascha Dilger, Celine Radloff, Robin Christopher Körner
— Publication: 14,5 x 21 cm, 90 pages, Edition of 100 copies
— Features: Collide24

B  Nachts — Clubkultur in München (Here Comes The Night — Club Culture in Munich)
The exhibition catalogue documents Munich’s club culture of the last 70 years. It covers a multi-faceted reality, from iconic nightspots to legendary nights and musicians. The same named exhibition takes place in the Münchner Stadtmuseum (July 24, 2021 to January 7, 2024). As a part of the visual identity created for the museum, all the exhibition communication media was also designed from Wiegand von Hartmann.

— Done at Wiegand von Hartmann
— Exhibition Catalogue: 24 x 30 cm, 356 pages, ISBN 978-3-9820440-7-1, Published by Sorry Press

C  Kunsthalle Zürich
As part of Kunsthalle Zürich’s visual identity, designed by Dan Solbach, the website is a digital addition to the many types of print media. The redesign takes a step back and focuses on the institute itself, the exhibitions taking place and the art education.

— Done at Dan Solbach Studio
— Website:

D  Münchner Stadtmuseum
The museum is located in a historic building from the 16th century. The visual identity, created by Wiegand von Hartmann, has a flexible layout system that integrates the shape of the building in a contemporary and graphic way. In recent years, there has been a wide range of different topics covered in the exhibitions. Each exhibition was therefore given its own appearance within the general visual identity. On each occasion, communication media were designed in a large variety of applications and sizes. This includes various print and online advertisements, banners, flyers and posters.

— Done at Wiegand von Hartmann

E  Das Klassenzimmer (The Classroom)
In her diploma thesis “Das Klassenzimmer”, Leonie Schimmeyer explores the problems of the school structures in which learning has taken place for about 100 years and how it can take place in the future. Based on progressive school concepts, in which learning is more individually and detached from rigid class and assessment structures, she designed the AP-21 satchel. It is designed to combine formal and informal learning that can take place both at school and at extracurricular learning sites. The publication follows this idea and fits into the flexible environment, to which the designed product also responds.

— Book: 12 x 17 cm, 232 pages

F  Spectra Poets Issue 1 & 2
San Francisco based SPECTRA POETS is a print publication and online collective. It started as a mid-pandemic idea when founder Erica Avey heard about a community of people called “Spellers”, who cannot speak. Most of them have autism and use writing to express what they cannot say. The idea was to create a magazine for them to be read alongside other poets, both prominent and unknown, without publishing anyone solely based on their identity or ability. The first issue was awarded with the Most Beautiful German Books 2022.

— Done at Wiegand von Hartmann
— Magazine Series: Issue 1, 15,5 x 24 cm, 234 pages, ISBN 978-3-9824686-0-0; Issue 2, 15,5 x 24 cm, 290 pages, ISBN 978-3-9824686-1-7

G  L,T&C Architects
Based in Munich, LT&C is a studio that works and teaches in fields of architecture, urban planning and society. The website allows to clearly present the wide range of various works. The viewer then has the opportunity to get to know each project in more detail. Through the simple search system one is guided through many and different projects of the studio.

— Done at Wiegand von Hartmann
— Website:

H  My father, mon père, mein Vater
The book emerged from the exhibition “My father, my neighbors, my friends and their friends” that took place from 11 December 2020, to 14 February 2021, at the Fahrbereitschaft in Berlin Lichtenberg. Because of the Corona restrictions during that time, hardly anyone could visit the exhibition. Therefore, a long video conversation between the participating artists took place, which was captured in this book.

— Done at Wiegand von Hartmann
— Exhibition Catalogue: 16 x 23 cm , 112 pages, ISBN 978-3-9102650-2-8, Published by Sorry Press

I  Neue Klasse für Typografie (New Class for Typography)
Together with Robin Christopher Körner, the “Neue Klasse für Typografie” was founded during the studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz. The workshop format offers space for exchange between young graphic designers and deals with typographic principles while looking at contemporary type and graphic design. One resulting project is a publication in which 27 international graphic designers have collaborated.

— With Robin Christopher Körner
— Workshop
— Publication: 17 x 25 cm , 56 pages

J  Kona Books
Kona Books is a Tbilisi-based publishing house focusing on contemporary visual and interdisciplinary projects. It publishes mainly bilingual editions in order to create a bridge and exchange between Georgian and international artists. This idea is also based on the international background of the founders, Lisa Offermann, Nina Akhvlediani and Dan Solbach.

— Done at Dan Solbach Studio
— Website:

K  The Balance of Things — Merging Reality and Virtual Space
The multimedia project is an examination of virtual space and the objects located there. In a virtual environment, we imitate the previous reality, alienated and expanded. Through which objects are not bound to existing dimensions and natural conditions. The resulting series of illustrations addresses the personal relationship to digital objects and symbols, deals with the definition of physicality in virtual space and reflects the interplay between physical reality and virtuality, whose boundaries are blurred. The illustrative works were collected both digitally in a virtual exhibition and a printed publication as a physical counterpart.

— Digital Exhibition
— Publication: 28,9 x 38 cm , 28 pages

L  Outdoor Sculpture Material #1
The publication includes an essay by artist Flaka Haliti and frames from skateboard videos by SHRN team members Tim Griffel, Stefan Lehnert, Fiona Wessely, Manu Wolff. When skateboarders appeared on the plaza of the artwork “I See A Face. Do You See A Face. Outdoor Sculpture #1” — and in return Flaka Haliti’s sculpture surfaced in their online footage — two worlds collided and infiltrated one another. Two worlds that are enjoying each other very much and manifest in this collaboration that explores public art from a different kind of street-level perspective.

— Done at Wiegand von Hartmann
— Flipbook: 11,5 x 18,5 cm, 292 pages, Published by Sorry Press

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Coding by Robin Christopher Körner and Maximilian Rosenberger
Typeface by Dinamo

©Copyright 2023, Natasha Adhiambo Okoth

Natasha Adhimabo Okoth, Visual Communication